Welcome to East Bergholt Bowls Club
East Bergholt Bowls Club is a friendly and sociable bowls club run by its members for its members and is seen as an active group within the community. The club started, in 1984, as a Carpet Bowls Club and through the hard work of its dedicated members and the support of the parish council managed to build an outdoor rink and became, in 1993, a Lawn Green Bowls Club. We are situated on the sports ground on Gandish Road where there is also a Tennis Club, a Cricket Club, a Football Club, a Sports Pavilion and the Constable Hall.
We are open to all whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced practitioner of the sport. Carpet Bowls is played throughout the year whilst Lawn Green Bowls is played from April until the end of September. During the winter members also have the opportunity to play indoor bowls. However, we also have many social events throughout the year including coffee mornings, fish and chip evenings, race nights, quiz nights and residential trips away.
Bowls can be played by all whether you are 12 or 90 and we provide opportunities to play within the club as roll ups or in competition with other clubs as leagues or one off matches. We have experienced players who will offer advice and guidance and you can even book a rink just for yourself and friends. Bowls is fun and sociable.
Come and give us a visit, the times that we are open are on this site or just give David Ford a call or send him an email.